Sabtu, 09 Februari 2013

Contoh Artikel B. Inggris

Best vitamin for healthy hair, good and strong

Best vitamin for healthy hair, good and strong, that is the dreams of women for their hair, but actually not only women, the men also want to have the healthy hair because the activity of men is more complicated than women. That is why the men need more attention for their hair, if they do not really care to their hair, I am sure that they got some trouble for their hair. If you know that hair is the most important part body to care whereas if we have the long hair and it will become us as trendsetter to keep their hair.

Then you know that, there are some vitamins that you can get and the vitamin itself can help you in keeping you when you want to get the best hair. You can consume it directly and consume it continually. Then, that is why you will feel the benefit of it. Here there are Best vitamin for healthy hair, good and strong, which are:

1. Vitamin B,
You know the vitamin, there are many benefits of vitamin B for hair, among other things prevent the thinning hair, prevent gray hair, prevent hair loss, and nourish hair. Kinds of food are from vitamin B, such as green vegetables, nuts, sunflower seeds, whole grains.

2. Vitamin E.
Often known as the vitamin is good for moisturizing the skin, it turns out hair also needs vitamin E you know. Here, vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, contributes to the hair to combat free radicals. Vitamin E also helps repair cells damaged hair, so hair growth remains good. In addition, vitamin E may help prevent dandruff. You can get vitamin E from the foods of avocados, green leafy vegetables, and whole wheat grains.

3. Vitamin A.
Interestingly, vitamin A also helps ward off free radicals and protect the hair from damage. In addition, vitamin A can help increase oil production in the scalp, so the hair remains shiny. Like a double – edged sword, vitamin A also should not be consumed in excess it can cause hair loss as well.

4. Vitamin C
However C has always been a favorite of everyone. According to researchers, vitamin C can prevent discoloration and loss of hair. As well as improving blood circulation throughout the body, including to the head. Task vitamins C also ensure that your scalp is always healthy. The vitamin can you get from the foods of citrus fruits, berries-berryan, apple, guava, melon, watermelon.

Besides the vitamin, you can add your nutrition by consuming some fats contain where the fat contain also can give the positive influence for you, but you cannot it every day because contain of fat is not good if you consume it every day. That why, you have to know some vitamin that can help your hair to get the best hair from some steps, which are given to you or fromt eh tips of best vitamin for healthy hair, good and strong.

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